Finding Our Way, by Stephanie
In the next few weeks, many of us will experience "transitions" as we head back to school, back to work, back to life…back to "reality". In addition to this time of transition and change, many of us are feeling the heightened energy around us. It's real. For some, it's really hard to ignore and/or overcome. During these times of transition and heightened energy sometimes we lose our way. We may be riding the roller coaster of feelings: depressed, overwhelmed, tired, confused, afraid...anything but relaxed! How do we Find Our Way? By returning to emotional balance...equanimity. As I talk about in Chapter Two of my book Reclaiming JOY, the emotional roller coaster is not sustainable and keeps us stuck. We react and often cause more turmoil. This simple practice, called BRFWA, brings us back to a relaxed state where our emotions are in balance. From this place of emotional balance or equanimity, we are able to ride the emotional wave without drowning in it. In equanimity we find our way back to peace and clarity. Once clear, we are able to take action that keeps us on the path of peace. BRFWA Explained: Breathe: As a wave of emotion comes over you, slow down your breath. Allow your breath to flow freely in and out. Relax: As you slow down your breath, your mind and body will begin to relax. Soften your muscles, let go of mental and physical tension. Feel: As you relax, you are able to soften into what you are feeling. Stay open to the sensations and emotions moving through you in this moment. Watch: While feeling, you watch your experience closely, neither grasping what is pleasant nor pushing away what is painful. Allow: As you watch, you allow the process to unfold. You accept yourself and your experience exactly as it is, dropping the need to change it in any way. BRWFA is the practice of being present. Being present is what we learn during meditation. Looking for more support? Consider cultivating an on-going meditation practice. Comments are closed.
January 2025