Sounds counter intuitive yet it works!
This simple practice, called BRFWA, brings us back to a relaxed state where our mind & emotions are in balance. From this place of emotional balance or equanimity, we are able to ride the mental/emotional wave without drowning in it. In equanimity we find our way back to peace and clarity. Once clear, we are able to take action that keep us both aligned to our true nature and at peace. BRFWA Explained: Breathe: As a wave of thought or emotion comes over you, slow down your breath. Allow your breath to flow freely in and out. Relax: As you slow down your breath, your mind and body will begin to relax. Soften your muscles, let go of mental and physical tension. Feel: As you relax, you are able to soften into what you are feeling. Stay open to the sensations and emotions moving through you in this moment. Watch: While feeling, you watch your experience closely, neither grasping what is pleasant nor pushing away what is painful. Allow: As you watch, you allow the process to unfold. You accept yourself and your experience exactly as it is, dropping the need to change it in any way. BRWFA is the practice of being present. Being present is what we learn during meditation. Our services are designed to help you slow down and come back to you! >>>Book Now September is yet another month of transition for many of us.
Back to school, back to work. Some are experiencing an empty nest for the first time. Some are experiencing the loss of a loved one, a relationship, a way of life. Now what? With transition often comes a lot of complex and intense emotions. We may experience feeling "weird", unhinged, even afraid. We may ask, "Who Am I Now"? Inhale curiosity. Exhale control. Emotions and feeling "weird" are part of the human condition. As one of my Bikram yoga teacher says when we are in camel pose (deepest backbend of class/challenging posture), "it's normal to feel weird and weird to feel normal". Ha! Give yourself grace. We are here to support you. Our services are designed to provide sanctuary for body, mind, and spirit. Take Care of Yourself!!! >>>Book Now Are You Here Now?
Being here now means you are present with what is here, RIGHT NOW. You are not in the past. You are not in the future. You are firmly rooted in the present moment. You accept what is, even if you wish certain things to be different. Remember, nothing changes until you accept. Then you will be free to act. Much human suffering comes from being "here", in the present, and wanting to be "there", in the past or the future. Why do you do this? Attachment, illusion, control, fear, conditioning, lack of faith... For today, can you be here now? Are you willing to invest 100% of your attention (thoughts/words/deeds) to being with what is? I promise you this. When you root yourself in the present, you will have the capacity to be still, listen, and then act in alignment with your divine nature. What practices support being here now & releasing the past? Yoga, meditation, energy healing, writing, slowing down, creating space... We are busy. Busier than ever. Perhaps our greatest challenge right now is finding how to "be" in all we "do".
For many, "doing" takes precedence over "being". Why? Many reasons. Learned behavior, expectations, our devices, the noisy mind. Humans are stubborn. We resist pausing the doing to connect to our being. At some point, we get tired of resisting and surrender. Sometimes we surrender on our own, sometimes we are forced to (think crisis). Whatever you are experiencing, when you make time to "be", you renew body, mind, and spirit. You give yourself the opportunity to find what works in YOUR life, for uniquely YOU. We support you. Our mission is to provide Sanctuary for body, mind, and spirit. Whether you are coming to the Sanctuary for massage and bodywork, a skin renewing facial, meditation, or an energy healing session, we got you. Maybe you are in the area and simply pop in to inhale the scents and Sanctuary vibes. We love seeing you. Thank you for allowing us to be part of your journey. Teamwork makes the dream work! We are grateful for the partnership. >>>View Services Ocean Meditation - 60 Seconds of Relaxation
Meditation doesn't have to be complicated. All it requires is commitment. As you watch this video: Inhale Peace, Exhale Stress >>>Watch Here |
August 2024