We are busy. Busier than ever. Perhaps our greatest challenge right now is finding how to "be" in all we "do".
For many, "doing" takes precedence over "being". Why? Many reasons. Learned behavior, expectations, our devices, the noisy mind. Humans are stubborn. We resist pausing the doing to connect to our being. At some point, we get tired of resisting and surrender. Sometimes we surrender on our own, sometimes we are forced to (think crisis). Whatever you are experiencing, when you make time to "be", you renew body, mind, and spirit. You give yourself the opportunity to find what works in YOUR life, for uniquely YOU. We support you. Our mission is to provide Sanctuary for body, mind, and spirit. Whether you are coming to the Sanctuary for massage and bodywork, a skin renewing facial, meditation, or an energy healing session, we got you. Maybe you are in the area and simply pop in to inhale the scents and Sanctuary vibes. We love seeing you. Thank you for allowing us to be part of your journey. Teamwork makes the dream work! We are grateful for the partnership. >>>View Services >>>Book Now Last week I spoke about resistance and how it works in opposition to getting what we say we want! Being in resistance actually keeps us re-living the event after it has happened. Double suffering!
What can we do? Like anything in life we wish to be "good" at, we must practice. In order for us to practice, we must create the habit of practice. I love this quote, "To develop a reliable routine, a golfer has to decide to follow it and practice it time after time until it becomes an ingrained habit that will show up no matter how much pressure he or she is under. You can be sure that under pressure, you will find out what your dominant habit is." -Dr. Bob Rotella, Golf is Not a Game of Perfect Ahhh. Life is not a game of perfect either. That's why we need good habits which support us through our imperfections! One of my mentors recently said, "you can't learn how to swim when you're drowning". Indeed. When I started my daily habit of spiritual practices' decades ago I had no idea how powerful they would became in navigating life with greater ease and grace. My daily spiritual practices include prayer and meditation as well as movement. I have many practices. These 3 are non-negotiable, every single day. What are your spiritual practices? Are they a daily habit? >>>I'd Love To Know! Resistance works in opposition to getting what we say we want! When we are resisting, we lose energy. We all know that being in resistance doesn't work! Ultimately, what we resist will persist.
I have found that being in resistance actually keeps us re-living the event after it has happened. Double suffering! It goes like this: 1.Something happened in the past that hurt us. 2. We are still giving it our attention (thoughts/focus) and energy (power) in the present. 3. By focusing on it we re-create / re-live it in the future. Why do we do it? Many reasons, mostly fear of losing control. We also resist because if we accept something we "don't want / disagree with" on some level we feel conflicted. It may seem that by accepting something "unacceptable", we are asking for more of it or perhaps even condoning it. While this may seem convincing, it's false. What is true, is the event that happened. It's done. Resisting that truth is a form of denial. That's a whole other topic! Bottom line: The only way to move beyond resistance is through acceptance. Once we do this, we free up the energy to do what needs to be done so to speak. Resistance is one of my favorite topics because on the other side is freedom -- and what we want! >>>Learn More MANUAL LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE TREATMENT AT BRONXVILLE WELLNESS SANCTUARY
Most people are familiar with lymphatic drainage helping to release excess fluid in the body. However, our lymphatic system is widely diverse in its overall benefits. Lymphatic drainage is essential to stabilizing a healthy immune system, carrying white blood cells to fight off infection, as well as transferring toxins to be filtered out to the liver and kidneys. Since our lymphatic system does not have a pump (as our circulatory system does) the way we move lymph is with exercise or a manual lymphatic drainage treatment. Lymphatic fluid moves throughout the body through our muscles contracting, and through an intricate system of vessels and valves. Sometimes our lymphatic system requires assistance in moving this fluid, and that's where manual lymphatic drainage treatment comes in. What are the benefits of Manual Lymphatic Drainage Treatment? - Boosts immunity - Aids in moving toxins out of the body (through the liver and kidneys) - Releases excess fluid - Reduces tightness in muscles - Promotes overall relaxation and well being -Helps with sleep What happens in a Manual Lymphatic Drainage session? Is it like a massage? While MLD is a full body treatment, lymphatic drainage is nothing like a massage. It consists of incredibly light compressions, circular movements, and "pumping" actions. The touch of the therapists’ hands will feel like no more than the weight of a nickel resting on your skin. Some people when receiving manual lymphatic drainage describe it as "featherlike" in movement. Why is the pressure so light? When someone is used to receiving massage, it can be an abrupt change receiving lymphatic drainage, and can almost feel like "nothing." But, in fact, the exact opposite is true. The lymphatic system rests directly under the skin, and can only be accessed through light, pumping motions to encourage the lymph flow. If we used any other pressure heavier than what was previously described, we would actually be compressing the lymph fluid, thereby blocking it and obstructing it from moving throughout the body. What to expect after an MLD treatment: - You may feel "clean" or "light" - You may feel relaxed or energized - You may urinate more, and the urine may look or smell different than usual - You may feel nauseous - You may sleep really deeply, or not be able to sleep - You may feel clear headed Before Your Manual Lymphatic Drainage Treatment: - Do not drink/eat 2 hours beforehand - Make sure to use the restroom beforehand - Ensure you are not currently experiencing menstruation You are not eligible for MLD if you have any of the following conditions: acute infections or fever, bronchitis, congestive heart failure, renal failure, active bleeding, blood clots, circulatory problems, overactive thyroid, epilepsy, blocked intestines, diverticulosis, abdominal aorta aneurysm, diabetes mellitus, cancer (leukemia and lymphoma patients require a doctor's note), Crohn's disease, or any disease with inflammation in the intestines, adhesions in the abdomen due to surgical intervention, radiation therapy, any other health issues for gut, liver and kidneys, any abdominal surgery within 6 to 8 weeks (after this time period requires a doctor’s note), undiagnosed edema, acute asthma, burns, fresh scars, bruises, eczema, if you are currently menstruating, gynecological cysts and pregnancy Peter & Ricky offer this service. >>>BOOK NOW Enhance your natural youthful summer glow with a wonderful hydrating facial. Skin will be refreshed and revitalized leaving you looking radiant.
Kindly Note: Facials and waxing are available Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays & Saturdays. Let's GLOW! >>>Book Now |
January 2025