Our Very Best Year End Series Offer
Now is the Time - Are You Ready? Choose You - Commit to You This Very Special Year End Series Offer Ends Tomorrow, 12/31/18 The Series Offer: 75 Minute Private Yoga Sessions with Peter 75 Minute Shamanic Healing Sessions with Stephanie 3 sessions @ $375 - savings $105 (expires 6 months )* 6 sessions @ $795 - savings $165 (expires 12 months)* To take advantage purchase on-line here, call us, or stop by tomorrow. This Very Special Offer Ends Tomorrow. *Cannot be combined with any other specials or discounts. "I’ve come to understand success in any endeavor is a result of the small choices we make on a daily basis that support our larger vision." - Shaman Shakti Stephanie What will you choose? A Prosperous 2019 Despacho Offering
Do you want to Attract Prosperity & New Possibilities into your life? Saturday, 12/29/18 with Stephanie @BWS (FREE) Stop By Between 10am-12pm & Add Your Intention to Our Despacho Offering No Need to RSVP. Simply stop by BWS anytime between 10am-12pm with a prosperous intention for 2019. Stephanie will provide the supplies :) Watch Video Video Here Questions: Email Stephanie Why Despacho? It's time tested and works. A despacho is a blessing, healing, prayer ceremony that brings balance & harmony to a situation, individual, community, organization. Handed down to us from Andean shamans, despachos are known for creating a powerful vortex of spiritual energy that brings us into better balance with our self and others. The more balanced we are, the more good stuff flows to us creating abundance in our lives on all levels- physical, mental/emotional, energetic, spiritual. A despacho paves the way for us to come into greater alignment or “right relationship” with the world around us. When our intentions are clear, despachos are powerful change agents. As part of the ceremony, an offering is made with different items that have special meaning. For example, sugar is used for sweetness, flowers for healing… and much more. Every year, we do a despacho ceremony for the Sanctuary (pictured below) so we may continue to bring healing and prosperity into the world. Despacho ceremonies are done where balance & harmony are desired–relationships, house cleaning, protection, birth, marriage, death and for community & organizational needs such as prosperity and healing. ![]() Last Minute Gift? Give A Sanctuary Gift Certificate for Massage & Wellness Today,12/24/18, we are open 10-3pm Bronxville Wellness Sanctuary Gift Certificates can be purchased in person or online here for dollar amounts or specific services like: massage, facials, energy healing or meditation. Give the Gift Of Sanctuary...
Give a Gift Certificate!!! Bronxville Wellness Sanctuary Gift Certificates can be purchased in person or online here for dollar amounts or specific services like: massage, facials, energy healing or meditation. If you stop in, spice it up by making your own gift basket with a Gift Certificates & a few of our favorite things! And remember -- Gift Sanctuary to yourself :)) “What you do for yourself-any gesture of kindness, any gesture of gentleness, any gesture of honesty and clear seeing toward yourself-will affect how you experience your world.” -Pema Chodron Last Day of Sanctuary Specials Ends Saturday 12/15/18
15% Off Gift Certificates - In Person or On-Line, All Day - Saturday, 12/15/18 Bronxville Wellness Sanctuary Gift Certificates can be purchased in person or online here for dollar amounts or specific services. When purchasing online enter code GC15 at check out to receive your 15% off discount. Thank you for allowing us to serve you for the past 7 years!!! We look forward to many more!!! "Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier." -Mother Teresa |
January 2025