Valentine's Day is Friday, 2/14/25.
It's one of our favorite occasions here at the Sanctuary. Why? We love to love & Valentine's Day is a reminder of why we are here. Taking care of our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual self is an act of self-love that keeps on giving. From our own self-love, all other love grows. In fact, the ability to nourish ourselves first, enables us to effectively (aka without resentment) nourish others. Ways to plug into Sanctuary Love: Treat Yourself to a Sanctuary Service Enjoy the familiar or try something new! >>>View Services Give Sanctuary Love with a Gift Certificate >>>Purchase Gift Certificate Summer Self Care
Nourish Body, Mind & Spirit Summer is the perfect time to notice where you need to be "fed", aka, practice self care. Nobody can do this for us. If we don't do this for ourselves, we risk becoming resentful, contracted, and unhappy! We must feed (give to) ourselves in order to feed (give to) others. We are in charge of our own happiness and this includes on going self care. Give yourself permission to do what makes you feel good. You're worth it. Top 3 Sanctuary Picks to Nourish Body, Mind & Spirit: Massage - From therapeutic and deep tissue massage to relaxing massage, it's one of the oldest healing modalities. Massage helps relax muscles, soothe aches and pains, release energy blockages, rejuvenate body, mind and spirit. Facial - Deeply nourish your skin! Next time you book a BWS Signature Facial, consider adding on a custom jelly mask to give your skin a healthy boost! It's great for super hydration or exfoliation, depending on skin type. Great for brightening, tightening and restoring that youthful glow! Shamanic Energy Healing - Energetic healing works holistically on the body, mind and spirit from the inside out. We dive into heart to set intentions for our life that align with present moment; clear obstacles / blockages that keep us stuck; uncover things in shadow; heal and integrate "lost/forgotten" aspects; create action plan to align soul with divine soul blueprint. Powerful for walking your path with truth, peace, joy, love, and grace. >>>View Our Services To Support Your Self Care >>>Book Now "Your body is the temple for your soul."
At the Sanctuary, we think of our body as the vehicle which supports our total well being. In particular, physical well being is a cornerstone to living well and enjoying our life. Summer comes with a surge of outdoor activities: tennis, pickle ball, biking, jogging, swimming, hiking, volleyball, golf, paddle boarding... Great for your health? Yes! However, when taken on by storm, they often come with a price: think tennis elbow, shin splints, back pain… Massage can help. Tennis elbow, for instance, (a form of tendonitis caused by repetitive and stressful use of the tendons and muscles of the wrist) is helped by increasing blood flow to the area. Shin splints (brought on by overuse of weak leg muscles or ill-fitting shoes) are greatly relieved by massage on not only the leg, but the feet and ankles as well. Then again, the fact that it’s summer is the only reason you need to book a massage! Think self care. Our favorite, 90 Minute Deep Tissue/Sports Massage! We also offer a range of relaxing massage and specialty bodywork. >>>Book Now Everyone experiences some level of stress & anxiety. However, when it becomes severe and persistent, or shows up in the form of panic attacks, it does not take long before someone reaches out for help.
More and more people are looking for holistic alternatives to the “mainstream treatment” of medication and talk therapy. Holistic treatments address the underlying causes, and benefit body, mind, and spirit. Energy healing and meditation are two powerful modalities that work directly with the nervous system and the mind to bring about deeper lasting healing. Another profound way to manage stress and anxiety these days is to give yourself an opportunity to disconnect from tech! Energy Healing When approached with an open mind, energy healing is a highly effective way of making the unconscious conscious --and healing deeply rooted trauma that we cannot always get to in talk therapy. Energy healing sessions allow us to target the root cause of anxiety and panic attacks, heal wounds that we are not consciously aware of, and release core beliefs and experiences stored in the body or the subconscious mind (feeling mind). The techniques used during an energy healing session are designed to switch the nervous system out of “fight–flight-freeze” mode into a state of deep relaxation, allowing for both short-term and long-term relief of stress and anxiety. In addition, what we learn during a session can help us re-align our conscious mind (thinking mind) toward what we want to create. Meditation The ancient practice of meditation, in particular Transcendental Meditation (TM), is becoming a more widely practiced alternative to “mainstream” treatments for panic attacks, anxiety and stress. TM teaches us how to be still and allow the brain and nervous system to re-boot. In TM we allow and accept whatever arises. This practice sends messages of steadiness and balance to the emotions and nervous system, even as normally disturbing or triggering images may arise, for example. This neutral reaction allows the time and space needed to process or let the image pass through. Over time we apply what we learn in TM to manage stress in our life more effectively. We begin to realize that emotions and thoughts come and go. More importantly we realize we are not our thoughts and emotions and learn non-attachment. Disconnect from Tech Breaking up is hard to do, yet sometimes it is what we must do to keep calm! Recently I disconnected from all social media. What happened was remarkable. I felt instantly calmer and was able to re-connect to myself. I did not realize how much of my energy and attention was getting drained by the noise of the world. Even “good” noise is still noise and we need to manage it. While you may not be able to disconnect for an entire week, setting up boundaries about how much time you are on tech (including television) is vital to stay sane. Easy ways to do this daily are no tech when eating, shutting your phone off at night when sleeping, giving yourself at least 5-10minutes in the morning when waking up, and another 5-10 minutes at night before going to sleep to breathe and name what you are grateful for. We really must tune out of tech in order to tune into ourselves. If you can take a week off from tech, do it! It is a wonderful practice of letting go. Over time, we learn that we are not really in control of anything but our choices. We realize the importance of choosing habits that make us feel good. Want to learn more about the above or learn Transcendental Meditation? >>>Email Stephanie here >>>Book Now What have you done lately to nourish you?
At the Sanctuary our mission is to give you an experience of deep nourishment for body, mind, and spirit. Whether you are coming for massage, energy healing, or a yummy facial, we LOVE supporting you in re-filling your well. Maybe you want to try a new service, or combine them? Whatever you decide, we are here to answer any questions and guide you on your path to Sanctuary. >>>Explore Sanctuary Services >>>Give the Gift of Sanctuary with a Gift Certificate |
January 2025