Last week I wrote about shedding the past -- and that in order to truly live a life of peace, prosperity and connection - to become masters at manifestation - at some point we must shed the past. Fully.
When I say past I mean other lifetimes, and the ancestral, cultural, karmic, and childhood imprints we absorb. This is why I LOVE energy healing, specifically shamanic energy healing. This week I share about healing the past. Shamanic energy healing is a highly effective way of making the unconscious conscious --and healing deeply rooted trauma that we cannot always get to in talk therapy. When I speak of trauma I am speaking of things we have experienced in this lifetime and also imprints/patterns that have been passed down from one generation to the next. These imprints can be addictions, abuse, poverty, anger, fear...etc. In order for us to access who we are and bring forth our unique gifts, we must BOTH shed and heal. Shedding leaves space, a clearing if you will. Healing brings about harmony with the energy of what was "shed". Meaning, if we experience abuse of any kind or absorb imprints that have been passed down through generations/ancestors, this energy gets stored in our body. Whoever we absorbed this energy from-- this relationship needs to get healed. The energy of anger/hate/bitterness binds us energetically to someone as much as love does. Think about that. This is one reason we practice forgiveness. Peace doesn't come with hate. The two can't co-exist. As we shed the energy, and heal the relationship (there are many ways to do this in shamanic energy healing - even if the person is on the other side) we are ready to fill the "space". What do we fill the space with? We fill it with the song of our soul and the music in our heart. We fill the space with our truth, positivity, life affirming energy, and beliefs in order to create the life we desire. One of the reasons I am drawn to shamanic work is the extraordinary transformation I have witnessed in my own life and the lives of countless others when we focus on healing as well as releasing the harmful imprints (ancestral/karmic, etc). There is a ripple effect that happens as well. As we heal individually -- healing also happens for those who are or have been connected to these harmful imprints. It's so beautiful. In our Western mindset, which values the complex and material over the energetic, I understand how some of these concepts can seem odd. I actually find this work simple, logical, in harmony with nature and as such - powerful. As we open our individual hearts and minds to healing harmful imprints, we also impact the collective. How cool is that! We have the power to shift the world to peace. >>>Book Session Unless and until we shed the past, we will keep repeating it in the present. Since we create the future in the present, we will keep getting the same things we have always gotten. For most of us at this time, that isn't what we want.
That's one reason we feel "stuck". In order to truly live a life of peace, prosperity, and connection - to become masters at manifestation - at some point we must shed the past. Fully. Not halfway, all the way! When I say past I mean other lifetimes, and the ancestral, cultural, karmic, and childhood imprints we absorb. This is why I LOVE energy healing, specifically shamanic energy healing. When approached with an open mind, shamanic energy healing is a highly effective way of making the unconscious conscious --and healing deeply rooted trauma that we cannot always get to in talk therapy. When I say trauma it can be anything from abuse to limiting beliefs such as, "I am not good enough/I am not worthy". All of us operate from beliefs that we absorbed somewhere along the way. Our beliefs filter everything and create our thoughts, words, deeds...our life. Powerful stuff! When we aren't getting what we want in life, it's usually a combination of self limiting beliefs + confusion. Whatever trauma we experienced / inherited / absorbed feeds the belief and keeps us confused/stuck. Once we recognize the belief and clear the energy, we can create a new belief that aligns with the life we have and want today. Having said this, some people don't understand "how" energy healing works. That was me a few decades ago. Not anymore! On some level, all of us "know" we are energy beings. We enter a room and feel a vibe without a word being exchanged. That is energy! We know this. We experience it everyday. For some, the desire to see everything as concrete blinds us from truly seeing what is the energetic. As a result, we don't get to the root of the trauma, and we spin. Or worse, we spend many decades and dollars on going through the same loop trying to "talk" it out. I have been there. Shamanic energy healing sessions allow us to shed the past and create a new future in the present! Specifically, shamanic energy healing includes tools such as journeying to meet a power animal/spirit guide, energetic extractions, and soul retrieval to restore us to our true essence. Since we are all part of the energetic web, removing and healing unwanted energies restores our strength. As we shed the past, we remove the energetic layers that block us from creating the life we desire. With on-going sessions, we learn how to align our conscious mind (thinking mind) with our subconscious mind (emotional mind - where beliefs are stored). This is when it gets really fun as we learn how to become masters at manifestation. You're worth it! Stephanie >>>Book Now We are made of time and energy.
Creating and committing to healthy habits helps us manage our energy and speeds up the time it takes to manifest our burning desires! Healthy habits help us stay the course. When I reflect on my life, I have 3 long standing habits that I attribute to my life getting better and better every year. 23 years ago, in 2000, I started my transcendental meditation practice. 20 years ago, in 2003, I started my supplementation and nutrition program. 14 years ago, in 2009, I started my Bikram Yoga practice. These habits are the foundation for my healthy body, mind, and spirit. Instead of making excuses, we can invest in habits. What are yours? Do you need to drop some? Add some? In this podcast episode I share more of my favorite habits for body, mind, and, spirit & give examples of how and why healthy habits are essential for bringing forth your burning desire. You deserve to live the life you desire. Believe it. See it. Feel it. Act on it. >>>Listen Here "The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential… These are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence." Confucius
The last few weeks we've been speaking about goals, intentions, habits, and what we want to create for 2023. How's it going for you? What does it take to make it happen? In my own experience of life and watching clients, it's incredible what can shift in 12 months when we are connected, clear, and committed. What do I mean? 1. Connection - this is all about getting quiet and creating stillness & space in our daily life to listen. It's about creating an opening, a doorway, a portal to do the work of knowing thyself. It takes willingness and consistent effort to invest in the relationship we have with self. Act of Self-Love. 2. Clarity - once we are connected, we begin to ask ourselves the important questions that shape our life. As I've shared before, I use 5 categories: spiritualty, health, family, business, and contribution. We learn about who we are, and what matters NOW. We begin to let go of who we think we are, who we are forcing ourselves to be and /or who others want us to be. Act of Liberation. 3. Commitment - once we are connected and start getting some (yes, even a teeny tiny bit!) clarity, we must take consistent action. Nothing changes without aligned, inspired action. Act of Doing. You're worth it! I support you. Namaste, Stephanie What have you done lately to nourish you?
At the Sanctuary our mission is to give you an experience of deep nourishment for body, mind, and spirit. Whether you are coming for massage, energy healing, or a yummy facial, we LOVE supporting you in re-filling your well. Maybe you want to try a new service, or combine them? Whatever you decide, we are here to answer any questions and guide you on your path to Sanctuary. >>>Explore Sanctuary Services >>>Give the Gift of Sanctuary with a Gift Certificate |
January 2025