"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." -Thomas Alva Edison
We are busy. Busier than ever. Perhaps our greatest challenge right now is finding how to "be" in all we "do". For many, "doing" takes precedence over "being". Why? Many reasons. Learned behavior, expectations, our devices, the noisy mind. Humans are stubborn. We resist pausing the doing to connect to our being. At some point, we get tired of resisting and surrender. Sometimes we surrender on our own, sometimes we are forced to (think crisis). Whatever you are experiencing, when you make time to "be", you renew body, mind, and spirit. You give yourself the opportunity to find what works in YOUR life, for uniquely YOU. We support you. Our mission is to provide Sanctuary for body, mind, and spirit. Whether you are coming to the Sanctuary for massage and bodywork, a skin renewing facial, meditation, private yoga, or an energy healing session, we got you. Maybe you are in the area and simply pop in to inhale the scents and check out our hand picked products (see new candles below made by our very own James). We love seeing you. Thank you for allowing us to be part of your journey. Teamwork makes the dream work! We are grateful for the partnership. >>>View Services >>>Book Now More than ever I (Stephanie) am working with people in my mentorship program who are experiencing major work / life transitions to get clear on what's next and create a roadmap for results.
It's no small task, yet an exciting one. It's my passion, my dharma (purpose), taken from the chapters of my own life. In all my decades of internal work + investing in my studies, I've come to realize one common thread: Perhaps the greatest "work" of our life is to get clear on why we are here (our dharma), and how best we can serve humanity. Until I got this, it was hard to find peace, fulfillment, happiness. That said, I am starting a book club. The first book, "A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose", by Eckart Tolle. We will start reading end of this month (July 2022) and continue through September. We will meet virtually to discuss, connect, share, and deepen. If you are interested (like a HECK YES, not a maybe please), email me. Once I get a sense of who, we will agree on a time to have our first zoom meeting to set the foundation. >>>Email Me Here Be Well....Make your self care a priority!!!
Our service massage + facial packages bundle more than one service into one convenient and relaxing visit, and you save money too! Enjoy our most popular Bronxville Wellness Sanctuary Package: Be Well Package: 60 Minute Signature Wellness Massage 60 Minute Signature Wellness Facial >>>Book Now Ego In Relationships
Are you aware of your ego & how it impacts your relationships? It can be impossible to understand and navigate your ego, without knowing exactly what it is - but this natural part of all of us doesn't have to be such a mystery... And what if I told you nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know? Does that help you understand why certain patterns continue to show up in your relationships and in life? And do you ever notice how the ego energy is contagious? Sometimes it seems everyone is operating from ego and there is no peace.. Fascinating questions...all pointing to deeper levels of understanding if we choose to see them as such...and to answer them. What is ego and how does it impact relationships? Simply said, our ego shows up whenever we are identified with something: a role, relationship, thing, viewpoint, etc. When this happens, some of us get angry, explosive even, and react. Others shut down. We get the exact opposite outcome most of us long for which is peace, love, understanding...happiness. Understanding ego and how it shows up in relationship can be complicated. Yet if we want peaceful relationships, it does us well to learn about ego. In this way, when it shows up, we can respond instead of react. Since awareness is the foundation for transformation, how do we know when we are caught in the grip of ego? Key examples include: *arguing/conflict/drama as a theme in our life *need to be right, making another person wrong *identifying with mental positions/beliefs, keeping us stuck and closed to another's point of view *emotional pain that feels disproportionately large compared to the event/situation (pain body) *anger, outbursts, emotional reactivity including disconnecting and avoiding *in some cases physical violence To help you understand ego, I discuss each of the above and introduce you to the concept of "pain body", as taught by Eckhart Tolle in my podcast episode (link below). According to Eckhart, "the pain body is an energy field within you that sporadically takes you over because it needs to experience more emotional pain for it to feed on and replenish itself. It will try to control your thinking and make it deeply negative. It loves your negative thoughts, since it resonates with their frequency and so can feed on them. It will also provoke negative emotional reactions in the people close to you, especially your partner, in order to feed on the ensuing drama and emotional pain." Clearly, having an understanding of ego and how to deal with it as it relates to our pain body is important!! Why does ego show up? It's part of the human condition my friends. Understanding ego and how it works will help you cultivate deeper and healthier relationships both with yourself and others. In this juicy episode I help demystify ego by explaining in more detail what ego is, how to identify it (especially in relationship), learn from it, and what to do when we are caught in its grip. Let's GO Ego...Let Go!!! >>>Listen Here Want to release the energy of accumulated pain body? >>>Book Energy Session Here Therapeutic Sports Massage
At the Sanctuary we think of our body as the vehicle which supports our physical well being. Physical well being is a cornerstone to living well and enjoying our life. One way to take care of your healthy being is with a therapeutic bodywork sports massage. Summer tends bring increased physical activity and maybe even some down time to focus on self care. Our body needs to re-balance all the output of energy and exertion with nourishing input that comes from massage. Our therapeutic sports massage is designed to release tension and restore blood flow. The added benefits of sports massage include restoration of energy and soothing healing touch. Book Here or Call Us: 914.337.9356 |
August 2024