Valentine's Day is Friday, 2/14/25.
It's one of our favorite occasions here at the Sanctuary. Why? We love to love & Valentine's Day is a reminder of why we are here. Taking care of our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual self is an act of self-love that keeps on giving. From our own self-love, all other love grows. In fact, the ability to nourish ourselves first, enables us to effectively (aka without resentment) nourish others. Ways to plug into Sanctuary Love: Treat Yourself to a Sanctuary Service Enjoy the familiar or try something new! >>>View Services Give Sanctuary Love with a Gift Certificate >>>Purchase Gift Certificate I have talked about how I came to find my purpose. I shared how the discomfort of loss caused me to question life.
Discomfort comes in many forms: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, financial... When we are uncomfortable long enough, many of us eventually decide to try something else. Perhaps we surrender in some way. We are tired. In the fatigue, we become more willing to open ourselves, ask questions, and allow guidance to come through. It's quite a paradox - as is this life! As we surrender to the discomfort, the gifts start to emerge. I was reminded of this again. The question asked was, "what is the simplest way to receive guidance?". The answer: discomfort. Why discomfort? As humans, most of us don't like discomfort. We will do almost anything to avoid it. And yet, by avoiding it, we perpetuate it. We also lose connection to wisdom and ultimately healing when we ignore discomfort. What to do? When discomfort shows up, we can welcome it as a source of guidance. We can connect to it instead of avoid it. How? We can connect to discomfort by asking questions. For a simple example, if we are uncomfortable because we are tired, we can ask things such as: Why am I tired? Am I always tired? Does something need to change? Maybe the guidance is telling us to rest. Or perhaps we are being guided to make some other changes in our life situation. Often we have energy leaks we don't even realize. For a more complex example, if we are uncomfortable because our love partner isn't showing up in the relationship, we can ask things such as: How long has this been happening? What is going on with them? Do I need to get support? Maybe the guidance is telling us to speak up, ask, advocate. In short, to take action. Energy healing and meditation are 2 practical tools to help us navigate discomfort and tap into the guidance awaiting us. After all, if we weren't uncomfortable, nothing would change. We all have one.
The great news? You can re-write your story. You can edit it. And you CAN make your story into a joyful ending. How? 1. Let go and learn from the past. 2. Root yourself in the present. 3. Write your future into existence. We have 2 ways to help support you in the above. >>>Get an energy session with Stephanie. >>>Attend Stephanie's Living in the Now Workshop. You won't regret it. Ever notice how your negative thoughts can create a whirlwind of negative emotions which then leads to negative actions that you later regret?
We all do it. That's why clearing negative thought energy on a regular basis is key to inner peace...and success in life. Especially when you are up to big things and living true to yourself, you will encounter negativity. We generate our own negativity when fear, doubt, and unworthiness kick in. We may also encounter other people's negative opinions and/or absorb their negative energy. You must learn how to become aware of this negative energy and then clear it. If you don’t, you will fail to achieve your dreams. Remember, what you give attention to energizes (grows). As such, negativity creates more negativity. The reverse is also true. That is the good news - positivity creates more positivity. I speak about this more in my TEDx here. Let’s clear the negative and get back to the path of positivity which will support your prosperity! If you want support, book a energy clearing session with Stephanie. You won't regret it! >>>Learn More "Whatever we aren't changing we're choosing." -JeVon McCormick
3 Tips for Keeping Your Energy Body Clear Like taking a shower, eating healthy food, and caring for our "material stuff", we also need to take care of our energy body. By energy body I am talking about our physical body, mind/emotions & spirit, because we are energy!! Most people identify most with thought and emotional energy. What lives within and beneath these thoughts and emotions is who we are-- spirit in physical! It’s not uncommon for people to “forget” or be confused about our energy system. As far as I recall, schools don’t’ have classes on the energy body. Unless we are taught at how the energy body impacts our day to life, we may find ourselves experiencing unnecessary suffering. By suffering I mean we may linger on problems and past events that end up keeping us stuck because the energy is literally stuck inside us. Issues stay in the tissues! We may end up resisting the present, and create a future that looks like the past. It's not sustainable or enjoyable. What can we do to keep our energy clear and flowing?? 1. Be Still Stillness is the foundation for a well lived life. We live in a non-stop and noisy world. Add our busy mind to that and a perfect storm ensues. Over time the noise drowns out our own voice. In stillness lives your connection to yourself, your desires...your truth. In stillness lies your connection to pure potential, what you WANT, and the creativity of the universe of which we are a part that will support you in manifesting once you are clear. One of our favorite ways to access and deepen stillness is with meditation. Whether you have a formal meditation practice or not, simply sitting in silence or watching nature connects you to stillness and the energy of life itself. It rejuvenates, restores and renews us. 2. Energy Healing Come to the Sanctuary for a Shamanic Energy Healing Session. Shamanic energy healing is one of the most ancient forms of healing practiced by humans worldwide. Shamanic healing sessions assist with: →Big life changes such as job transition, marriage, and divorce →Dealing with death and grief → Finding and manifesting one’s life calling & divine relationship → Identifying limiting beliefs that block abundance & health → Developing spiritually → Overcoming addictions and improving overall health Sessions are a proactive partnership between the client and practitioner that facilitates deep transformation and healing. When we clear the energy we are able to shed the past, heal the present and empower the future. Keep in mind Shamanism is not a religion - it is a way to improve your life. 3. Stay Inspired If you find yourself getting bored/restless or “depressed”, plug into something or someone who inspires you! This can be anything from a creative project to reading a book, listening to a podcast or trying a new activity. Sometimes changing up routines can add new inspiration to your day. Examples include changing your exercise routine, starting your day with 10 minutes of yoga/stretching/breathing, walk instead of drive, take a different route, and maybe call instead of text or social media! Whatever you feed your mental/emotional body impacts your energy. Choose wisely. Remember, we only have this moment. Make it great by taking regular care of your energy body. Do everything you possible can to feel your best. Life is short. You deserve to live it energetically well! Namaste, Stephanie |
January 2025