Step one to getting what you say you want: burning desire!
In this podcast episode Stephanie speaks about why burning desire is the first step to manifesting your dreams. Love? Health? Wealth? Career? Home? She shares about bringing forth her burning desire, incubating for decades — to launch her virtual transformational coaching business. >>Visit her manifestation here. >>Listen to podcast here. Are you in the middle of a career transition?
Are you wanting to align your work with your life purpose? Whether you are looking to transition into a new career, are "forced to" , or are simply wanting to re-create how you approach your current job, this week's Mind the Gap Podcast with Stephanie is a must listen! In addition to giving tips on how to uncover what you want -- Stephanie reminds us that how we are being in the doing sets the stage for success. Let's go! >>LISTEN HERE. Happy Father's Day!!!
Show Dad how much you appreciate all he does with a Sanctuary Gift Certificate...give him relaxation & wellness... Purchase instant gift certificates here for Dad to use toward our virtual sessions now (listed below) or for use when we reopen, Wednesday, July 8th!!! How do you use this time to get what you really want?
Times have changed. The past is over. The future is yours to create in the present moment. NOW is the TIME. What do you desire? New Job? More Money? Loving Relationship? Vibrant Health? Spiritual Connection? How do you get it? Stephanie shares 3 ways to get what you want. Hint: it starts with your decision to WIN. Let’s go. >>LISTEN HERE What is spiritual mindfulness?
It starts with defining what "spirituality" means to you. For example, I do not define spirituality as a religion. Rather, spirituality is that which connects me to life beyond "me, myself and I". This could be my connection to people, animals, nature, the universe, and in my case, my connection with God. With definition in hand, I am able to engage in practices that take "me" beyond "me"... from self to Self... from ego to divinity... What are some spiritual practices? There are many: meditation, yoga, walking in nature, prayer, ritual, writing, reading certain books.... Pretty much anything that uplifts me and enables me to feel connected to the whole of life is spiritual food. Why is it important to be spiritually mindful? For me, without spiritual practices, I feel disconnected and life has no meaning. Often the most challenging times in life are overcome by having spiritual practices that support us and bring healing. In times when life is smooth, these same practices enable us to "grow higher"... How often to engage in spiritual practices? Daily. Success comes when we practice little bits, consistently. Over time, daily practice creates life long habits. Looking to grow your spiritual practices? I would love to support you. Email me here. |
January 2025