This weekend I had the privilege of attending a conference hosted by Joshua Rosenthal, Founder of Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN). As a proud graduate of IIN, almost 15 years ago now, anytime Joshua hosts a live event, I know it's going to be magical. Some of you may recall my days of health/nutrition coaching when we first opened Bronxville Wellness Sanctuary in 2011. While I still implement so much of what I learned, I am now focused on raising consciousness and empowerment through my energy healing and mentoring offerings. I like to go deep, fast and get to the root of things so we don't waste time in suffering.
Back to this weekend. The conference was intended to bring together healers to support them. After all, who supports the ones who are caregiving to everyone else? Caregivers are a large group. They are everyone from healers to wellness workers, therapists, nurses, doctors, and those giving to children, elders, loved ones, to name a few. The conference coincided with Joshua's new book, Heal the Healer, A Self-care Guide for Wellness Workers & Caregivers. As true to Joshua form, we all received healing this weekend! As always, it took many forms from meeting like minded people, building a strong community, doing chakra clearing exercises, paired sharing, dancing, massage, hearing fantastic presenters, and discussing ways to make philanthropy more a part of our lives. My biggest takeaway: many people are tired, burnt out, and lack the tools to stay healthy, happy, and balanced. What are the tools? Many! -Setting boundaries -Overcoming childhood wounds -Energy protection techniques & clearing -Staying connected to community -Work-Life balance -Knowing your larger purpose All of these tools help those who give so much to refill their tank. When we re-fill, we are able to give so much more and to do so with a happy, healthy, open, and loving heart. If you know someone who could benefit from learning these tools, please share the book, and by all means share my contact with them. I love helping people in the healing profession. Time goes fast. Let's not waste it by suffering unnecessarily. We got this! Stephanie Did you know?
We have a full range of massage from Swedish and Deep Tissue to C-B-D and Hot Stone. As always, we are here to customize your massage to your needs. Need a little deep tissue and Swedish? Our BWS Signature Massage is designed exactly for those who need a combination. >>>Book Now Ocean Meditation - 60 Seconds of Relaxation
Meditation doesn't have to be complicated. All it requires is commitment. As you watch this video: Inhale Peace, Exhale Stress >>>Watch Here Get your skin ready for the summer!!!
Our BWS Signature Facial includes skin cleansing, exfoliation, extractions, relaxing massage, and mask. For deep cleansing extractions or more time to discuss specialty add-on services, we suggest booking a 75 minute service. Jenni will guide you in choosing an add-on specific to your skin type. Add-ons range from Vitamin C, to Light Therapy, and Peels. >>>Book Now "The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are." -Joseph Campbell
Mastering relationship with others is strength. Mastering relationship with self is power. Often I am struck by how much time & energy we waste on trying to: -get others to believe/think/do what we want -control others -judge others We spend so much time on "other". Why? Many reasons. I believe it's mostly because we want to feel loved and love. Somewhere we learned (erroneously!) in order to love and be loved we have to control. In fact, the opposite is true. Perhaps we think focusing on other keeps us "safe" from having to face ourselves and take responsibility for who we are. It's an illusion! I think we struggle with this because we feel guilt, shame & judge ourselves. We can't give to another what we don't first give to ourself. The remedy? Learn how to master self - our beliefs (it all starts here!), thoughts, emotions, words, and deeds. How? Know thyself - dig deep Love thyself - forgive thyself Be thyself - show up authentically I would say mastering self + being ourselves is true power - and the privilege of a lifetime. Sanctuary tools for support? Meditation, energy healing... >>>View Services |
January 2025