Healthy Relationships by Stephanie
As I've shared in the past, relationships are one of my favorite topics. Relationships have posed the greatest challenges for me, and have also been the most gratifying part of my life. Hmmm...a paradox? Yes! Life is a paradox. The truth is, no matter what we do in life, at some point we must be in relationship with others. As such, I want to help you heal / improve your relationships!!! It's so darn worth it...and makes life so much more enjoyable. In fact, healthy relationships are connected to well being and happiness...especially as we age. Our ability to have good (peaceful, positive, prosperous, playful, present) relationships is a foundation for our well-being. And guess what? The primary relationship that needs to heal / improve is the one we have with our self. I love the topic of relationship so much I did a podcast episode about it. You can listen here. In this episode I talk about how to deal with transitions and challenges that arise in relationships. I also talk about how to manage those emotions in order to position ourselves to respond rather than react. Learn practical wisdom to help you navigate all relationships. Challenge yourself to change the way you view relationships so they become a vehicle for learning and joy. Final Thoughts: Relationships show us where we are on our spiritual path and can become our life long spiritual practice, greatest teacher. At some point, hopefully not on our deathbed, we realize that we all need people, it's no so serious, and it doesn't need to be so darn painful...if we are willing to commit to awakening. Pictured above: me, mom, sis. Namaste, Stephanie Comments are closed.
January 2025