Prove It 30 Day Health Challenge - Starts 9/9 with Stephanie!!!
To join in the challenge starting Monday, 9/9, kindly note- you must be signed up with me by 8/31 which is next week :) I spoke about the challenge briefly in this week's nutrition podcast (listen here). As I shared, many of us are nutritionally starved. This results in low energy, excess weight, and health problems. To address this, we re-set the body with a healthy cleanse, clean foods, and good quality vitamins. At the end of the 30 days, you feel amazing and have cultivated good habits that you will maintain. Remember- consistency = key to success in life :) If you want more information about the challenge, please email me here. It will be fun, and you will feel fabulous!!! Life is short, live it well, Stephanie
January 2021
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