PRIVATE and GROUP Virtual Sessions to Support you.
Renew You with Peter: Session includes a combination of guided meditation, coaching, movement/yoga/stretching, based on what your body calls for. 45 minutes, $60 To book email: [email protected] Re-balance You with Stephanie : Session includes a combination of guided meditation, transformational coaching, and shamanic energy healing or readings to help relax, re-balance, and redirect. 45 minutes, $75 To book email: [email protected] GROUP YOGA: Wednesdays at 8:00AM EST & Saturdays at 8:30AM EST with Peter Our virtual yoga classes are open to All Levels. Every class is one hour and includes breathing, stretching, strengthening, toning, and relaxation. Register at least one hour before class starts. After registration you will receive Zoom link. $10/class. REGISTER HERE.
Virtual Shamanic Full Moon Release Ceremony
with Stephanie to Replenish Restore Create Monday, 4/6/20 @ 8:00pm EST via Zoom Right now energetic release is VITAL to support our collective well-being. As we release fear, doubt, worry...negative energy --- our physical, mental, and energetic space is freed up and we can experience a renewed sense of hope, faith, and peace. During this shamanic ceremony, we will come together in virtual community to release what no longer serves us. We will receive energetic healing and clearing. We will set intentions for courageously dreaming a new, healthy, healed world into being. Once you register, you will receive the Zoom info. Please register at least one hour in advance. Cost: $10 REGISTER HERE. |
January 2021
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